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  • 39th Annual Fall Conference

39th Annual Fall Conference

  • November 09, 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Prince George's Community College, Largo, MD


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • 2 tables, 2 lunches for 2 representatives
  • 1 table, 1 lunch for representative
  • 1 table, 1 lunch for representative
  • Available for groups of 5 or more attendees
  • Special price for members
  • Advance registration
  • Advance Registration
  • Special discounted price for full-time students who are MDTESOL members
  • Special discounted price for full-time students who are MDTESOL members

Thank you for registering for the 39th Annual Fall Conference. We look forward to seeing you on November 9, 2019.
Registration is closed

Learner Agency: Engage, Educate, Empower

Featuring keynote speaker Dr. Rebecca Oxford

How do we help our students to be more self-directed and more active in their learning?
How can English learners empower themselves to propel their language acquisition?
How do teachers use strategies, technologies, and collaboration to engage learners?

Online registration is closed. If you didn't register but would like to join us, onsite registration will be available starting at 8:00 am on Saturday.

Just announced! Earn graduate credit for attending the conference, through our partnership with Dominican University of California. Click here for details.

Exciting news for the 2019 Conference - Maryland TESOL's program is going digital!

Check out our program app at mdtesol2019.sched.com

Click here for more information on how to make the most of our app

Exhibitor Information:

Nonprofit organizations - $61

Silver - 1 table - $85

Gold - 2 tables - $242

Platinum - 2 tables plus sponsor breakfast ($492) or lunch ($742)

Include materials in conference bags - $200

Please email firstVP@mdtesol.org to become a Platinum sponsor


Email: president@marylandtesol.com

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